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You must be a registered user (on-premise or cloud) to add any post. To get access, enter your registered Emaill address below and we will email you the access token. Enter your token along with your email address to add the post. You can use your last received token if you have already generated one.

Q. How to get access to FlinkISO Forum?

Ans:In order to able to post, you must be a registered user either with FlinkISO either On-premise or Cloud. You can login to the forum via using your email address, which you or your administrator used duing the registration on the websile. Once you have the email address, use the same email addres and generate a token. We will send you the token on the same email address. Use that token along with the email address to login. You can read posts without login.

Home > Application Installation

I have succesfully Installed flinkso , On login page putting email id on welcome screen does no action. Page refresh but doesn't proceed further. Iam using windows server 2019 with Xampp

on 12/2/24 | Open | By: Pavan

Hi Pavan

Please check if you have installed cURL and its enable. Also, check if your curl_support is enabled in phpinfo().

FlinkISO Team

on 12/2/24 | By: FlinkISO Team