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Home > Application Installation

Incorrect Login Credentials or your account is locked or already logged in

Our IT team was able to finish installation up to the point where we have to enter the username/password as the same password we used to download the file.

It does not login, and instead shows “Incorrect Login Credentials or your account is locked or already logged in”

There is also an orange box stating “Password Policy is not active”


I believe one of the team members has already emailed [email protected] but has no reply yet. May we ask help from this forum?

Many thanks


We are using windows server2019, Php5.2.11 apache server xammp 3.2



on 9/5/24 | Open | By: Jonathan Oblefias

on 9/5/24 | By: Jonathan Oblefias


PHP 8.0.30 (VS16 X86 64bit thread safe) + PEAR + phpMyAdmin 5.2.1

on 9/5/24 | By: Jonathan Oblefias

Hi Jonathan,

Your email is your password when you try to login for the first time. If you are getting this error, access your DB and goto users tables. Check if the user exists. Also check the status field, if its 3 (locked because of multiple login attempts with incorrect password), change it to 1. 

Let us know if this works for you.

-FlinkISO Team

on 9/5/24 | By: FlinkISO Team

Hi Jonathan,


I meet the same issue, I try to change the password in the database, but still not working.

Have you resolve the issue? Thanks!

2 weeks ago | By: Xibin Zhang

I notice there are not requirment before the register.

  • Find "Configure::write("Security.salt" and replace with your value (keep the string lenght same, make this change before you regisster the instance).
  • Find "Configure::write("Security.cipherSeed" and replace with your value (keep the lenght same, make this change before you regisster the instance)

But what is “your value”?

2 weeks ago | By: Xibin Zhang